Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Return of the Red Aloos (Red Potatoes)

For those who enjoyed reading 'Red Aloos'... this is a continuation of the funny yet inspiring story of my sister's cooking...

Well after that point of time (when my sister prepared her 1st dish 'red aloos' for us)... we (my brother and I) thought that in the coming months our sister would continue preparing dishes for us that she learnt at the cookery class in school... How unfortunate were we... ? :-( ...For the remaining part of that year in the 8th grade, she hardly cooked anything for us... But we never lost HOPE.... hehehe... we continued pestering her to cook for us, even in the vacations that followed that particular academic year...
The following year in 9th grade.... my sister never had 'cookery' class as part of her extra-curricular activities. So she thought, we would stop pestering her to cook for us, but as annoying as most siblings are to each other during childhood, we bothered her every single day... in the hope that we she we cook for us again... and yes.. one fine day, she once again gave into our demands... and decided to cook for us...So what would it be this time...? ...Both of us eagerly waited for her decision... and guess what... she decided to make for us...

'Red ALOOS'... ONCE AGAIN... at first we grumbled... but we were later ok with it... and this time it turned out much tastier than the last time...

Ok now.. to cut a long story short... in the next few years... as she passed junior and degree college... she rarely cooked for us... except for 'The Return of the RED ALOOS'...
We even made a joke out of this. Whenever we had brother and I sarcastically asked her... "Why don't you prepare RED ALOOS for them?"). Though she felt quite embarassed... she forgived us too quickly...
Later on as she took up employment, she did pamper the family with a lot of snacks (that she usually brough from out)... but seldom cooked for us... To be fair to her... she did learn few dishes, desserts and how to make India's most consumed and popular beverage 'TEA'... hehehe...!
From that time till few years back in 2008... she limited her learning in 'cooking'... and always relied on mum continuing to be the main cook for the preparation of our household meals...

THE TWIST in the story...

She's married today, with a 3 yr-old kid and has migrated abroad... In the last 3 years while hearing the conversations betweem Mum and her on international calls... I noticed a substantial amount of these conversations (believe me or not) were about cooking Indian dishes out there. No matter what notes she took down from my mum in these conversations, I was prejudiced to think that she'd always be a poor cook... since she had never cooked much back here in India... But recently she visited us (in India) with her kid and stayed with us for over a month. Other than never being able to gulp the fact that my sister is a full-fledged parent with matured responsibilities... another astonishing fact was, my sister had made huge improvements in the area of 'COOKING'. She genuinely helped Mum in the kitchen, made new dishes and cooked readily for the house. This experience makes me believe that one day.. yes one day... if not better than My Mum's cooking... she might be at par with her...!

Also hoping that the next time we are together... she is willing to prepare her 'once-upon-a-time' speciality... 'RED ALOOS'..!

ALL the BEST to this lovely lass... My Sister...!

- I believe EVERYBODY matures with TIME.

- Secondly when an Individual is put in a situation of discomfort/difficulty, it is at that time where you will most probably see the best of him or her.

- Lastly, don't give up on anybody. Everyone is unique. Bring out the best in one another.

1 comment:

  1. Cant resist my self from commenting.
    A typical Lionel Article...Bro seriously believe me its too good!
    The effort you spent writing this is worth, i dont knw abt others but definitely it helped me as a reminder.

    I would definitely waiting for "RED ALOOS Part 3"

    Congo bro...Keep it up! will post ur blog linlk on my status on FB :) GB ya!
