Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dust Thou art, and into dust Thou shalt return

"Dust Thou art, and into dust Thou shalt return"
- Genesis 3:19

As TRIBUTES continue to POUR in for late STEVE JOBS... this one paticular image...

BREAKS MY HEART and makes me REFLECT...! No amount of WEALTH can decide HOW LONG YOU LIVE...
Reminds me... that WE ALL BELONG to the ALMIGHTY...
and HE decides when YOU enter HIS KINGDOM...
Considering any of us could be the next to be summoned... We all need to consistently train ourselves towards 'GOOD' THOUGHTS and ACTIONS...
A GOOD life is not only about AVOIDING the EVIL... its also about DOING GOOD deeds and FRUITFUL work...

I'm positive about late STEVE JOBS contribution to the latter...
His bright mind in the areas of TECHNOLOGY and BUSINESS MANAGEMENT is evident...

Our prayers... that he receives a SOUND JUDGEMENT at the PEARLY GATES...!
A great amount of 'HEART-FELT SYMPATHY' to his FAMILY, FRIENDS and RELATIVES...!

(Feb 24th 1955 - Oct 5th 2011)
Rest In Peace.

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