Thursday, August 4, 2011

Red Aloos (Red Potatoes)

I hope I've not got anybody smacking their lips in anticipation of some recipe that I'm going to post. Sorry folks... no recipe... This article is a funny yet inspiring narrration of how my sister has grown from being just a 'Red Aloo' cook...

I'm gonna take you back to memory lane to more than a decade and a half ago... when we were all schooling... We are three siblings, my sister being the eldest, followed by my brother and then me. My sister finished her schooling in a convent. In a particular year of her schooling when she was in the 8th grade, as part of the extra-curricular activities for the students... they had a class on 'COOKERY'... where they were taught the basic art or practice of cooking. One of the main activity of that class was creating and mantaining a journal of recipes (vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes), and also trying those recipes at home. Initially that year, for my brother and me the most exciting part of going through our sister's journal was seeing the attractive images of various dishes (recipes) stuck all through the journal and allowing ourselves to greedily salivate by looking at those images.

(A quick snippet of our childhood sibling relationship was, as many times as we fought, we united pretty quick because of our 'Maandavli Baadsah' (peacemaker)... our 'Mother'. )

As few months passed by in the cookery class, my brother and I ALWAYS HOPED that our sister would start cooking few of the many dishes she learnt in the 'cookery' class. (An average Indian girl is expected to learn cooking at a pretty early age... not for my sister. Though she was not lazy... she always had the comfort of our mothers hands to do all the cooking...)

On one particular holiday my brother and I decided that we had it... we approached our sister very peacefully and pressurised her to making any dish for us that she learnt in the cookery class... She succumbed to our pressure, my Mum agreed too.. and there you go... she was in the kitchen... trying her first dish for us... Yipee...! So what was she going to cook for us?... She quickly went through all the pages of her journal atleast thrice... while my brother and me got hold of our empty plates much before she started to cook... (lol...) She finally decided it was going to be..... 'RED ALOOS' (A spicy veg dish where the main ingredient is 'potatoes' with red-chilly powder, a tangy touch of lime and corriander leaves)

The RESULTS : It turned out too good for a first-timer... and as expected my brother and I finished most of it... keeping hardly any for our mum, dad or the cook (my sister).... hehehe...!

A learning I would like to add - Though she messed up the entire kitchen, my sister for the 1st time, experienced a sense of achievement and encouragement that she cooked for us, and that we all enjoyed.


For those who enjoyed reading this story... its doesnt end here... stay tuned... the funny, ironic, yet inspiring story continues in...


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