Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Triple H factor..... (For Corporate/Business Trainers)

Physics Teacher : "Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell on his head and he discovered gravity...! Isn't that wonderful?"
Student : "Yes sir, if he had been sitting in class looking at books like us, he wouldn't have discovered anything."

Among the many characteristics that a TRAINER needs to possess, the following, if naturally displayed, will ensure a positive response by the participants (trainees/delegates) attending the program. They are...

H - Humility
H - Honesty
H - Humour (Humor)

HUMILITY : The more humble a trainer is, the more 'APPROACHABLE' will he/she be perceived to be by his/her participants thus reflecting a positive opinion about himself/herself. There are participants who are passive in their interaction during the training program, this deficiency of theirs unfortunately leads them in giving a negative feedback on the trainer's effectiveness. Hence if a trainer, can go that extra mile and display humility, he will ensure participants open-up and engage easily in a discussion. In addition to skills of effectively handling questions by participants this characteristic also ensures that the trainer is not targeted unnecessarily by difficult participants during the program.

Q : What is it that trainers know, that they need not know?
A : They need not know "EVERYTHING".

Sometimes, in preparation of a training program, a trainer PRESUMES he needs to readily have a solution for every unexpected query from a participant. NOT TRUE. Remember as a trainer, each program you lead or conduct, is a learning for you too. Its absolutely fair to be HONEST of something that you don’t know or didn’t know about. In such a situation the ability to pick up something relevant from a participants experience/view and incorporate the same in your subsequent training programs is a required skill for any modern trainer.

Everybody has experienced trainers having great knowledge on the topic, and handling queries effectively, hence meeting the main objective of any training program i.e ensuring knowledge is imparted to the participants. That being true, today maintaining the attention of participants throughout the program has always been a challenge for any trainer. The common solutions to this challenge is facilitating various ice-breakers or games during the entire program. In spite of that, the challenge still remains.
Thats when its necessary to trust the old saying "LAUGHTER is the BEST medicine". As much as any trainer can genuinely develop an appropriate amount of humour while delivering a training, they will definitely have the attention of the participants/delegates/trainees. Maybe its not every trainer's feature, but it can be developed gradually.

Having said that, the extreme display of any of the above 3 traits by a trainer, can also be a disadvantage. Hence knowing the appropriate level is also essential. So next time you walk into a program please check list your ability as a 'Triple H' Trainer.

Happy Training....!

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