Thursday, December 16, 2010


A man was washing his new car when his neighbor asked him, "When did you get the car?" He replied "My brother gave it to me." The neighbor said, "I wish I had a car like that". The man replied, "You should wish you have a brother like that." The neighbor's wife was listening to the conversation and she interrupted. "I wish I was a brother like that."

A very short story to reflect on. Among the three persons, the man who wishes he had a car like his neighbors - this trait we see in all of us, we all wish for something luxurious that our neighbor have, we all continue to be attached to the world of materialism, and this is not what I want to focus on. Rather I would like to talk about the other two persons in this story - the man who receives the new car from his brother who we can identify as "The TAKER / The RECEIVER" and the other is - the lady, who wishes that she could be like the brother who gifted the car - she we can identify as "The GIVER".

Ask yourself, in how many situations would you rather be a TAKER or a GIVER. And you'll see the scales tipping substantially to be a TAKER.

I feel guilty asking this question myself, how many times I wish I only received... right from my childhood till date... when I had relatives / friends returning for a vacation from a foreign country... my expectations of receiving something was always high... "Has he/she bought anything for me...?" Having not left, even my immediate family (my father or my brother)... Again this feeling in not neccessarily restricted only to something material or tangible.... it could be other intangibles like - understanding, personal time, sympathy, love.... And we see this expectation in different facets / different people - of life... our parents, our spouse, our children, our friends, our employer, our government and it goes on.... we always want to be only on the receiving end, of something GOOD.

Just imagine if all of us thought this way... of only wanting to RECEIVE... This world would have been a dead place to live in...

Fortunately... the silver lining to my message is that we all have the ability of being "The GIVER"... and at some point in our life we have already and defintely given and also FELT the JOY of GIVING. But the fact being, most of us had to be put in a situation of giving or an act of charity because of either, a favour we have already received... maybe a good job, improved finances, a life-partner, blessed with a child, recovery from an illness... OR maybe we did our acts of good deed in anticipation of a favour or blessing yet to come...

So the question is.... does the ACT of GIVING always have to be for a favour received OR a for favour yet to come ?

The answer is a big 'NO'. We have to be GIVERS for FREE...! This would be most difficult to practise for a writing preacher like myself... whose wallet always seems to be stuck in the trouser or left at home (lol)... but I'm surely working towards it. We can take our inspiration from human beings who have been blessed as perpetual GIVERS in our lives... one of my MOST ADORED being MOTHER TERESA. I don't need to ellaborate on her life.

Yet again knowing the hedonistic lifestyle we pursue, we dont neccessarily need to benchmark ourselves to be 'larger-than-life' GIVERS, we just need to practise tiny deeds of charity to experience this WARMTH and JOY of GIVING.

I conclude my article with a quote from Swami Vivekananda...
Do not stand on a high pedestal and take 5 cents in your hand and say, "here, my poor man",... but be grateful that the poor man is there, so by making a gift to him you are able to help yourself. It is not the reciever that is blessed, but it is THE GIVER. Be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world, and thus become pure and perfect.
Wishing all of you'll a MERRY CHRISTMAS and BLESSED 2011...!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I write as a HYPOCRITE...and not as a PREACHER...!

As I try my hand in the art of writing (articles/blogs), most of them would be something that I strongly feel needs to be communicated from the INNER me, lot of which might sound like 'ADVICE'. But I foresee or perceive this 'Advice-giving' as a problem... And you would ask Why? Isn't 'Advice-giving' good...?

Yes - 'Advice-giving' is good, but the problem being - Whom does it come from? Does it come from someone who displays the character of a good, strong and established human-being? After writing an article what is mostly discussed, is the credential of the writer, especially from people known to him, and it comes in the form of the God-given gift to all - The gift of 'CRITICISM'...!

I know its expected of a preacher, teacher, leader, mentor (or in this case a 'writer') to strongly PRACTISE his communicated message. I write this message preparing for my defence in advance, knowing that people love playing the 'Index-Fingering' game.... ("Oh that Lionel, he has written this... what a liar (hypocrite) he is...!")

So I write this as a PRELUDE of anything that I may write in future... I'm like most human-beings... fighting a number of 'TEMPTATIONS', succumbing to most of them, but I still think its absolutely fair to let people know of what I (you) strongly believe is 'Advice' though I (You) might be the 'WEAKEST' link in practising my (your) own advice...

I am a W.I.P and I will remain a W.I.P till the day I pass away...

Yes - I'll always be 'Work-In-Progress'. I know there will be a number of times in future where I might be pinned-down for not living my own message, but those are times I plead for you look back at this article and remind you that I am an IMPERFECTIONIST, I am a HYPOCRITE, but there has never been a day OR there will never be a day in my life, where I have not strived to live my own 'advice'...!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What GOOD can transpire...?

I write this article not as a form of report, review, view or opinion. I purely write this is as a REQUEST. A request to ALL Indians to start being POSITIVE in the build up of the COMMONWEALTH GAMES 2010 (Delhi).

Its fairly obvious that after reading the above lines, the first question that would annoyingly come to any of your minds would be "WHY WOULD ANY INDIAN WANT TO THINK POSITIVE?" after the alleged scandal and corruption that has been exposed in the preparation of the CWG games in these last few months...

I have no answers to that, but neither do I have any second thoughts that any of the officials accused and proved guilty, should not be severely dealt with...

But I humbly appeal with 37 days to go, that we start looking at...

What GOOD can transpire...? Not for the credentials of the Indian officials incharge of organising these games... but purely for the upliftment of Indian sports and athletes, the international atheletes attending the games who are expecting a warm reception, healthy treatment and enriching experience... Most of all, I make this appeal for all the athletes, who have been rigourously training throughout the year - aiming to break new records, bring honour to their respective countries and pride to their loved ones...

Can we do this for THEM...? Lets avoid being the usual critics we all have been... and lets start the 'Optimistic-Mouthing'... If not till few months after the end of games, but atleast till the closing ceremony of the games.

Having written the above and wanting to set a positive tone for the CWG Games 2010, by no means do I wish to forget the scandal and corruption that has been exposed. All of us in whatever way, even after the end of games, will and should continue to fight and ensure that punishment be given to all officials who have been accused and proved guilty in blowing-up the funds of the honest tax-paying citizens.