Thursday, August 26, 2010

What GOOD can transpire...?

I write this article not as a form of report, review, view or opinion. I purely write this is as a REQUEST. A request to ALL Indians to start being POSITIVE in the build up of the COMMONWEALTH GAMES 2010 (Delhi).

Its fairly obvious that after reading the above lines, the first question that would annoyingly come to any of your minds would be "WHY WOULD ANY INDIAN WANT TO THINK POSITIVE?" after the alleged scandal and corruption that has been exposed in the preparation of the CWG games in these last few months...

I have no answers to that, but neither do I have any second thoughts that any of the officials accused and proved guilty, should not be severely dealt with...

But I humbly appeal with 37 days to go, that we start looking at...

What GOOD can transpire...? Not for the credentials of the Indian officials incharge of organising these games... but purely for the upliftment of Indian sports and athletes, the international atheletes attending the games who are expecting a warm reception, healthy treatment and enriching experience... Most of all, I make this appeal for all the athletes, who have been rigourously training throughout the year - aiming to break new records, bring honour to their respective countries and pride to their loved ones...

Can we do this for THEM...? Lets avoid being the usual critics we all have been... and lets start the 'Optimistic-Mouthing'... If not till few months after the end of games, but atleast till the closing ceremony of the games.

Having written the above and wanting to set a positive tone for the CWG Games 2010, by no means do I wish to forget the scandal and corruption that has been exposed. All of us in whatever way, even after the end of games, will and should continue to fight and ensure that punishment be given to all officials who have been accused and proved guilty in blowing-up the funds of the honest tax-paying citizens.